Wednesday, May 25, 2005

How Anne Prays

When Anne hears or thinks of someone who needs to be prayed for, she closes her eyes and whispers for about 10 seconds. Then she opens her eyes and says, "I payed for ____, did you hear the voices?"

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Happy Birthday Dear Me!

Anne is in her bedroom at this very moment in her bed, singing loudly, "Happy Birthday dear me, happy birthday dear me!" repeatedly.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

I don't have a beard

Annie was in the bathub this morning when I was talking to Lydia on the phone. I told Lydia, "I love you" as I was hanging up and Anne asks, "That mommy?"


"Why you tell her 'Love you?'"

To which I sang repeatedly, operatically and quite loudly, "Because I Love Her!"

Anne giggled all the while.
Then when I was done, I asked her, "Can you sing like that?"

She replied, "No, 'cause I don't have a beard!"

Friday, May 20, 2005


We were having kiwi for the first time tonight for supper.

She asks, "Mom, what's this?"


She looks at it then declares, "My girl had kiwi yesterday and it almost 'kielled' her!"